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Request your FREE downloadable copy of this NATIONAL REPORT:

Receive your FREE downloadable copy of this NATIONAL REPORT on:

"45 Best Church Generosity Practices & Resources of Leading Churches"

Request this free report and discover proven ways and cutting edge methods to unleash greater Biblical generosity in your congregation or denomination!

  • 45 Best Church Practices to increase generosity and Biblical financial teaching in congregations of all sizes.

  • Website links to 44 financial resources, organizations, and materials that leading churches are using.

  • 12 month planning guide worksheet to help you create a culture of generosity and Biblical financial teaching within a congregation.

  • Financial Fast Facts: 20 financial and giving trends and statistics impacting churches and Christians

  • .
  • 21st Century Changing Stewardship Paradigms of  thriving churches. 

  • 100 Scripture verses on generosity

  • .
  • 40 Biblical truths on finances and generosity (with references to 600 Scripture verses).

  • Valuable articles that will promote greater Biblical financial teaching and generosity in your church.

Read ENDORSEMENTS about Brian's materials and ministry from national leaders:

  • Ron Blue

  • Howard Dayton

  • Dick Towner

  • Stan Toler

  • William Hamel

Go to the bottom of this page.

What national leaders are saying about Brian Kluth's generosity resources and leadership training ministry...

"Brian Kluth has a passion for teaching pastors and church leaders how to lead their congregation to greater levels of generosity for the Lord's work.  Without reservation I recommend his ministry and his materials.". HOWARD DAYTON, Co-Founder with Larry Burkett of Crown Financial Ministries  

"I have had the privilege of knowing and working with Brian Kluth over many years.  We share a passion for impacting the kingdom, and especially church leaders...He has developed many materials that are very helpful...I endorse Brian very enthusiastically."  RON BLUE, Financial Author, Speaker, and President of Christian Financial Professionals Network [Full quote]

"Not only does Brian Kluth deeply understand and clearly and compellingly articulate biblical  generosity, but he lives it out as well.  His resources can be a valuable aid in helping those we serve become God honoring in this area of their lives."  DICK TOWNER, Executive Director of the The Good $ense Movement with the Willow Creek Association


"Brian Kluth is a leader among leaders when it comes to teaching Biblical generosity.  I value his insights and materials and recommend them at every seminar I do around the country and around the world!"  DR. STAN TOLER, Popular Speaker, Author & Pastor  h

"The Evangelical Free Church has used Brian's Kluth's seminars, training, and materials to impact our national staff, district leaders, pastors, and church leaders in the area of generosity and financial teaching in churches.  He is a positive, practical, and Biblical voice on this vital subject."  DR. WILLIAM HAMEL, President of the Evangelical Free Church of America and Chairman of the Board for the National Association of Evangelicals (representing 52 denominations, 45,000 churches and 30 million Christians)


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