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50 Best Practices, 80 Best Websites, Articles & 12-month Calendar to Increase Church Giving ($29.95 Value)

#1 eBook on this page

Guide to Successful Building Fund Drive for Pastors & Church Leaders

Price: $24.95  On Sale: $19.95

Also included in $149 DIGITAL KIT(that includes $500+ of resources)

FREE eCopy or Phone APP

PDF, iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows8

#1 Way to Help a Building Campaign Succeed!

30 or 40 Day Generosity Devotionals.

You can CUSTOMIZE 4 cover pages with your building fund info!

Most Popular! SAVE 80%

Online EZ Generosity Digital Kit

Proven generosity materials used by thousands of churches to increase giving.

Cutting-Edge Research

20 Truths About Tithers

National research from over 4000 people that donate 10% or more.

Church Building Capital Campaign Fundraising Projects

Helpful Articles & Resources

7 Lessons from Churches that Conducted Successful Building Fund Campaigns  Html file   Pdf File  

9 Questions to Ask BEFORE Considering A Building Fund Project   Html file   Pdf File  
Where Will the Money Come From?  Building Fund Giving Ideas from A to Z  Html file
10 Reasons to Consider Purchasing An Existing Building for Your Expansion or Relocation Needs  Html file



This is one of the few resources available in America that was specifically written to teach and encourage greater Biblical generosity throughout an entire congregation! 

A small church in Ohio used this book to help them bring in $100,000 for a renovation project!

A large church ordered 4500 custom cover copies to help them raise $35 MILLION for a relocation project!

A church in Iowa used the book and raised 50% more than their consultant told them was possible ($1.8 million instead of $1.2 million)!

For more info - click here       For a downloadable sample - click here

40 Life Changing Truths: Biblical Wisdom and Warnings on Wealth and Generosity Pdf File   600+ Scriptures on finances summarized into 40 teachable truths [For more information on the daily devotional version with each verse listed out, click here]
100 Scriptures on Generosity  Html file   Pdf File    MicrosoftWord   Use fr sermon preparation OR for a weekly generosity verse in the bulletin or on the screen during offertory.  Accompanying PowerPoint presentation available for purchase.
A Proven Model for a Debt-Free Building Project  Html file  Pdf File  
FLYER: Count Your Blessings: A Pathway to Greater Joy & Generosity  Html file  This article (also available as a flyer that can be purchased or reprinted) gives people a proven way to joyfully double and triple their giving to the Lord's work.
VOLUNTEER & RETIREE GROUPS that sometimes assist with volunteer labor for building projects   Html file  This list provides contact information for ministry organizations that mobilize individuals and couples that want to actively serve the Lord, especially during their retirement years.

NEED TO RUN A CAPITAL CAMPAIGN A growing number of Capital Campaign Fundraising Consulting Firms are Using or Recommending the 40 Day Generous Life Devotional 

Check out these consulting firms (alphabetically listed):

Abundant Giving Capital Campaign In-a-Box | AG Financial Solutions | Arks  |  Dickerson & Associates | Excel Ministries | Ministry Campaign Services | The Timothy Group  

Help for Building Programs, Financing, Capital Campaigns and Fundraising Consulting 

MAXIMUM Generosity 40-Day Booklet for Building Funds or Stewardship Campaign  

Abundant Giving (utilizes our 40 Day devotional)

Dickerson & Associates Christian Fundraising and Stewardship Consultants  (utilizes our 40 Day devotional)

Church Financial Stewardship (utilizes our 40 Day devotional)

AG Financial Solutions (utilizes our 40 Day devotional)

Arks (utilizes our 40 Day devotional)

Excel Ministries (recommends our 40 Day devotional)

The Timothy Group (recommends our 40 Day devotional)   

American Church Builders   

Brown Church Development Group    

Build My Church     

California Plan of Church Finance     

Capital Campaigns for Churches    

Cargill Associates    

Church Building Consultants & Architects    

Church Funding Counsel    

Church Fund-raising Services     

ChurchLending.Net - Bank of the West   

Evangelical Christian Credit Union  

 John R. Frank Consulting Group 

The Gage Group  

Generis Group   

The Goehner Group  

Havey & Associates  

INJOY Stewardship Services    

Ken MacLeod & Associates - KMA of Canada    

Master Financial Planning Services    

Master Resources, Inc.    

McConkey-Johnston International   

Ministry Campaign Services (for Evangelical Free Churches and other evangelical churches)  

The Rogers Company   

RSI Church Services Group       

Saddleback Church Time to Build Campaign Kit   

Shepherds Group    

Stewardship Development   

Successful Fundraising--Why Hire A Pro?   

TLC Ministries     

Together We Build    

What You Should Know Before Hiring A Consultant  

LINKS to others sections on this website:



INTERNATIONAL RESOURCES: Availability of Brian's materials in 21 languages (from Europe, Latin America, Africa, Asia, India)

CONTACT INFO: ►Cell: 719-930-4000  Fax: 719-634-7933   Denver, CO  Colorado Springs, CO 

(c) Brian Kluth.  All articles and products copyrighted.  For permission to reprint Brian's materials for for personal, committee, church or ministry use, click here.


If Brian's website had an internet tag cloud, what would the key words, topics and themes associated with this website?  Bible scriptures truth church generosity giving stewardship Brian Kluth philanthropy finances pastors money sermons  messages contributions generous life - stewardship campaigns - cartoons teaching giving financial statistics church treasurer finance committee - stewardship committee - building fund drive committee executive pastor church administrator stewardship cartoons - wealth tithing tithes charity ministries fundraising non-profits nonprofits quips quotes church building fund campaigns pledge drives   40 day help resources generous giving  curriculum churches budgets finances  humor stories sermon illustrations messages poverty house in order budget crisis problems increase offerings giving best practices churches.


Do you have other websites for your resources and materials?

Contact information:  Brian Kluth | Denver, CO | Colorado Springs, CO 80910 | 719-930-4000 | Email