Church Building Projects: How to Determine When NOT to Build

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Church Building Projects: How to Determine When NOT to Build

Important questions to ask BEFORE moving ahead with a building program

By Brian Kluth, pastor, natl-intl generosity speaker, author & radio commentator (

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Helpful questions for church leaders to consider. These are from the book "When Not to Build" by Church Architect Ray Bowman from Baker House Publishing (Pages 107 and 108).

Answer the following questions about your church (Yes or No):

  1. The regular giving in our church is strong.

  2. The giving units -- individuals or families who give regularly -- represent a majority of the congregation.

  3. We consistently meet our budget, fully funding our ministries and staff needs.

  4. Our budget includes adequate funds for intentional outreach and to meet needs of people in the community.

  5. We teach Biblical financial principles to our families and individuals, including an emphasis on Biblical giving.

  6. The church is out of debt.

  7. Through the use of a building and funding survey we have found out that the present giving units are ready to commit themselves to an increase in their giving to cover the cost of construction and future building operation costs, so that none of the church's present ministry spending would ever have to be diverted to help cover the costs of the new building.

  8. The increased giving for future facilities is currently accumulating and is being wisely invested for a good return.

  9. The church has enough invested in its building fund to be able to pay cash or almost cash for the proposed building program.

Following these questions, Ray Bowman says: "If you checked yes to the first 6 questions, your church is probably basically financially healthy, and by implementing number 7, 8, and 9 you should be financially ready to build within a few years. As soon as all nine statements are true about your church, you have then passed the financial readiness test and should proceed with your building plans."

NOTE: This is an OUTSTANDING BOOK. No church leadership board should consider any major renovation or building plans before each board member reads this book!


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Brian Kluth is a leading spokesperson nationally and internationally on issues of Biblical generosity.  He has ministered across America and on 5 continents.  His written materials have been distributed to more than 350,000 Christian leaders in more than 100 countries.  His website, offers additional resources and insights into biblical financial and generosity matters.  He is also the Senior Pastor at the 1st Evangelical Free Church of Colorado Springs, Colorado.


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