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A growing number of groups are partnering with Brian Kluth and MAXIMUM Generosity to provide stewardship/generosity resources and training to pastors and churches

In the midst of a down economy, denominations, associations & ministries are being cash and staff challenged at the very time their pastors and churches need more stewardship help and resources than ever.  The solution for a growing number of groups has been to partner with to help their pastors and churches.

Here are 3 commonly asked questions and the answers to these questions..

#1 Q & A:  WHO has partnered with you to better serve their pastors and churches?

  • WCA-Willow Creek Association
  • Moody's Pastors' Conference (2010 plenary)
  • Rick Warren's (102,000 pastors/leaders)
  • Lilly Endowment and the Ecumenical Center for Stewardship Studies (while I was the president of the Christian Stewardship Association)
  • Leadership Network
  • Christianity Today
  • Southern Baptist Convention
  • NAE-National Association of Evangelicals
  • Stewardship leaders from the Lutheran, Methodist, Assemblies of God and Presbyterian denominations
  • CLA-Christian Leadership Alliance
  • Assemblies of God
  • Evangelical Free
  • Methodists
  • Salvation Army
  • Nazarenes
  • Christian & Missionary Alliance
  • Church Executive magazine
  • Baptist General Conference
  • American Baptists
  • TriMedia Marketing
  • Episcopalians
  • Lutherans
  • IPHC
  • Open Door Churches
  • And many others

 #2 Q & A: HOW have different groups partnered with you?

  1. Mailing copies of the 40 DAY GENEROUS LIFE Bible devotional to every pastor/church.  Note: Denominations can purchase copies for this special mailing for just $1/copy.
  2. Nationwide survey of churches/pastors to evaluate church budgeting, giving and generosity initiatives/practices.
  3. Mailing a disk or providing access to online DIGITAL GENEROSITY RESOURCES to every church.  Note: Significant discount options or partnership agreements are available upon request.
  4. Creating an ONLINE PARTNERSHIP to provide churches with discounted generosity resources
  5. Generosity ARTICLES, CARTOONSGRAPHS, INTERVIEWS &/or free eBOOKS for websites, blogs, ezines, eNewsletters, seminars and publications.
  6. Placing large PRIVATE LABEL CUSTOMIZED COVERS of the 40 Day Generous Life devotionals (at special discounted prices) to have on hand to give or to sell to churches for annual stewardship campaigns and/or capital campaigns. (See contact info below.)  
  7. Emailing churches to let them know about 1-DAY SEMINARS in cities across the country & the special $50 discount.
  8. KEYNOTE, PLENARY, SEMINAR & WEBINAR INVITATIONS for Brian Kluth to speak to church pastors and leaders at intl, natl, state, regional, district, or citywide conferences.  Similar content to ECFA regional events. (See contact info below.)
  9. Posting the free eDEVOTIONAL on their website and/or offering it to their churches.
  10. Signing GLOBAL COPYRIGHT AGREEMENT to distribute the 40 Day Generous Life devotional and online generosity resources to their churches in countries around the world.  (See contact info below.)
  11. Purchasing the "Because I Love You FAMILY ORGANIZER" at discounted prices (as low as $2.79 each) to give to donors and/or current or potential estate planning clients. 

#3 Q & A: WHO can we contact to further discuss some of these ideas in order to help our pastors and churches?

Call Brian Kluth on his cell (719-930-4000) or email him with your questions or request

INFO about Brian Kluth's public speaking ministry:

"MAXIMUM GENEROSITY" Speaking for Pastor and Leadership Events:

CLICK HERE for sample "MAXIMUM GENEROSITY" Promotional Flyer

CLICK HERE for quotes from pastors and church leaders that have attended this seminar

"I learned more in this 3 hour seminar than any other seminar or conference I've ever attended in my entire ministry!" Senior Pastor  (More quotes)

Each seminar can be customized to fit your group's time format.  Available presentations (includes handouts, PowerPoint slides & helpful resources).  Click on titles below to "see" handouts in a PDF format.  You can also click the appropriate links to "listen" to portions of Brian's seminar. 


To inquire about having Brian possible speak for your denomination or group, send an email with dates, size of group expected, location, typical honorarium/travel info to:

Generosity Preaching in CHURCHES as part of a 40-Day Generosity Event or Campaign:

For churches of that want to utilize Brian's "40 Day Spiritual Journey to a More Joyful or Generous Life" for an all-church 40-day stewardship emphasis OR to launch a building campaign, Brian is available to speak at a major kick-off event or for weekend worship services.  To discuss speaking possibilities for this type of event, please call Brian at 719-930-4000.

PREACHING or SEMINARS at Churches, College, Seminaries, Camps, Retreats & Conferences: 

Brian has given the following preaching messages or seminars in this past, and on a limited basis (or in conjunction with a "Maximum Generosity" pastor-leadership event), is open to considering speaking requests for these topics in the future.  Click here for a list of Brian's past speaking engagements.

To discuss speaking possibilities for this type of event, please call Brian at 719-930-4000.

Resources for Church Building Campaigns and Funding Efforts

  40-Day Generosity Booklet for all-church or small group building campaigns or stewardship emphasis.  Special Note: The Evangelical Free Church has adopted the CUSTOMIZABLE 40-Day Generosity Booklet to assist churches around the country for building projects and stewardship campaigns.

Helpful materials and articles  for Building Fund Projects.  

PRODUCTS: Generosity Devotional booklets, flyers, manuals, videos, and more
  PRODUCTS for use with pastors and churches (booklets, flyers, training videos/cassettes, cassettes, capital campaign fundraising/generosity materials, etc.)  Products Order Page
Links to other sections on this website:

 "MAXIMUM Generosity" -  21st Century Biblical Generosity Resources and Training by Brian Kluth ( )


Biblical Insights for Preaching & Teaching

 Quips, Quotes, Statistics & Stories

 Leadership Helps  

 Building Fund Projects

Financial Counseling

 Products & Copyright Reprints

Audio Messages

Speaking Ministry

BIBLICAL GENEROSITY RESOURCES FOR:    Pastors   Denominations  Church Leaders   Individuals   Fundraisers   Magazines/Media

(c) Brian Kluth.  All articles copyrighted.  For permission to reprint Brian's materials for for personal, committee, church or ministry use, click here or call 719-930-4000

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