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Helpful Advice on Christian Giving

Practical advice from years of teaching and counseling people concerning personal finances, debt, and giving

By Brian Kluth, pastor, natl-intl generosity speaker, author & radio commentator (www.kluth.org)

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Brian Kluth
5201 Pinon Valley
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  • IF YOU ARE NOT A CHRISTIAN: Don't worry about giving to God -- but realize and accept what God wants to give to you -- complete forgiveness, eternal life, and a brand new start.

  • FOR ALL CHRISTIANS: Always give to your church first. After your faithful church support, then give special gifts and offerings to other Christian causes that you feel are important.

  • IF YOU WANT TO BEGIN TO GIVE TO GOD FIRST: Whenever you get any money lay aside the first part in a special place to give to the Lord as He directs you, OR whenever you put a deposit in your checkbook, write out a check for the % you want to be giving to the Lord's work, OR if you track your income and expenses, set up a category for your church giving and another one for giving to other Christian causes (then regularly review these accounts and give to the Lord based on the % or amount(s) you decided on).

  • IF YOU ARE MARRIED TO A CHRISTIAN BUT ARE STILL NOT IN AGREEMENT ON GIVING TO THE LORD'S WORK: Have your spouse read this information and then talk about how to set up a mutually acceptable plan on how you can more regularly or generously give to the Lord's work.

  • GIVING OFF THE NET OR GROSS: Pray and ask God which you should do. If He prompts you in your heart to give off the gross, go ahead and do this and trust Him with the results. If giving 10% or more is a new experience for you, begin with giving off the net amount for a few months and see what happens. If after a few months you experience His creative care in your life, begin giving 10% or more off your gross.

  • IF YOU ARE A PARENT: Help your children set up a place where they can set aside "God's portion" of any money they receive (i.e. - allowances, work projects, gifts of money, etc..). Have them give their own church and ministry offerings from this money they set aside.

  • HERE'S A FAITH BUILDING EXERCISE TO TRY: Read 3 scripture passages on giving (including Malachi 3). Then make it a priority to give 10% of your income to the Lord's work each time you get paid or when you put a deposit in your checkbook. After 90 days, evaluate how God has worked in your life.


  1. See if your spouse would be willing to read this material, OR

  2. Identify any money you know you do have freedom with (read Luke 8:3) and set aside the first portion of this money to give to the Lord's work, OR

  3. Suggest to your spouse that you try this faith experiment for 3 months. Begin to give some money and then look back each Sunday to see if any special financial things begin to happen.  


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For additional resources, visit: www.kluth.org

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Brian Kluth is a national and international speaker and writer on Biblical generosity and financial matters.  He is also a church pastor and the founder of MAXIMUM Generosity, a public ministry dedicated to advancing Biblical generosity through inspirational preaching, leadership training seminars, writing, resources and the media.  Brian’s written materials have been distributed to more than 350,000 Christian leaders in more than 100 countries .For additional materials or to contact Brian, email: bk@kluth.org or visit: www.kluth.org

© www.kluth.org.  Copyright reprint permission for non-commercial purposes can be purchased for $20 to photocopy, fax, email or print this materials for 1-25 people, $50 for distribution to 26-500 people, $75 for 501-999 people, and $100 for distribution to 1000 or more.   To purchase the required reprint permission, go to the products page on this website (www.kluth.org), call 1-888-443-7407, or email: bk@kluth.org     


 "MAXIMUM Generosity" -  21st Century Biblical Generosity Resources and Training ( www.kluth.org )


Biblical Insights for Preaching & Teaching

 Quips, Quotes, Statistics & Stories

 Leadership Helps  

 Building Fund Projects

Financial Counseling

 Products & Copyright Reprints

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Speaking Ministry

BIBLICAL GENEROSITY RESOURCES FOR: Pastors   Denominations  Church Ldrs  Individuals  Fundraisers   Mags/Webs/Media

(c)Copyrighted.  For permission to reprint Brian Kluth's matl for personal, committee, church or ministry use, click here or call 719-930-4000

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