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60 Best Church Practices

to Increase Generosity, Offerings, Giving & Stewardship

By Brian Kluth, national-international generosity speaker & author (www.kluth.org)

Following 5 years of working with 50 denominations representing thousands of churches, Brian Kluth compiled the following list of "best practices" and resources for increasing generosity and financial freedom in local church.  This resource guide is divided into the following three sections:

  • Section 1: What to Do
  • Section 2: Resource Providers for Each "What To Do" Item
  • Section 3: Alphabetical Listing of Resources Providers (Phone numbers and websites)


Section 1: What to Do


  1. Adult Sunday School Financial Curriculum www.GenerousLife.info
  2. Teen Sunday School Financial Curriculum 
  3. Financial Bible Study Group for Adults www.GenerousLife.info
  4. Financial Bible Study Group for Teens 
  5. Children's Sunday School Financial Curriculum
  6. Churchwide 40 Day "Spiritual Journey to a more Generous Life"  www.GenerousLife.info  
  7. New Member Orientation and/or Guidelines: Information and spiritual goals in the areas of giving and serving 
  8. Generosity pamphlets/flyers www.MAXIMUMgenerosity.org   and/or financial/generosity CARTOONS www.kluth.org/cartoons.htm

* See section 2 for available resource providers for each item listed.  Section 3 for phone & websites.

SEMINARS* (Eves, Saturday or Sunday)

  1. Planned/Estate Giving  www.MyFamilyOrganizer.org
  2. Financial or Budgeting Seminar
  3. Investing Seminar
  4. Spiritual Gifts Seminar
  5. "Business by the Book" Seminar  www.Crown.org
  6. Career Guidance Seminar

* See section 2 for available resource providers for each item listed.  Section 3 for phone & websites.


  1. Giving statements mailed quarterly  www.MAXIMUMgenerosity.org
  2. "Catch-up" envelope sent with giving statements  www.MAXIMUMgenerosity.org
  3. Financial newsletter/info sent with statements  www.MAXIMUMgenerosity.org
  4. Financial information in church newsletter or bulletin
  5. Self-addressed envelopes for gifts by mail  www.MAXIMUMgenerosity.org
  6. Automatic check withdrawal option or online giving www.MAXIMUMgenerosity.org  (recommendations on site)
  7. Brokerage account for receiving gifts of stock
  8. Designated Gifts for Missions/Missionaries
  9. Cooperative relationship with a Christian foundation

* See section 2 for available resource providers for each item listed.  Section 3 for phone & websites.


  1. Spiritual gifts/volunteer assessments
  2. Career guidance assessments/support
  3. Debt and budget counseling or referral
  4. Pastoral advice, guidance, counsel & encouragement for individuals with the spiritual gift of giving

* See section 2 for available resource providers for each item listed.  Section 3 for phone & websites.


  1. 2-3 minute Testimonies on the joy & grace of giving
  2. Lay person shares meaningful financial verse and prays for Sunday offering
  3. Dramas on Finances, Debt, Giving or Materialism 
  4. Annual Message/s on Time/Talent/Treasure/Ten% (or more)  www.MAXIMUMgenerosity.org  www.GenerousLife.info
  5. Weekly stewardship verse in bulletin/transparency/slide  www.MAXIMUMgenerosity.org
  6. Annual 90 Day Tithing Challenge
  7. Special all-tithing Sunday "live or written" tally
  8. Guest speaker on Finances and/or Biblical Generosity

* See section 2 for available resource providers for each item listed.  Section 3 for phone & websites.


  1. Decide to commit the FIRST 10% (or more) of your church's weekly income to God's work in your community, country and world
  2. Faithful Christian giving is one of the pre-requisites for people on your church's top leadership board/council
  3. Treasurer provides board giving statistics (without names) each January or February
  4. Board training: Take 15 minutes over several meetings to go through financial/giving Bible study AND/OR video
  5. Encourage all Board members/spouses to sign up and go through a 12-week Crown Financial Bible study
  6. Develop church $ guidelines, principles and policies (on missions, giving, borrowing, teaching, etc).
  7. View/discuss Brian Kluth video on how God can provide for your building needs on a debt-free basis
  8. Encourage a leader or leadership team to attend Christian Stewardship Association's 3-day National Conference or 5-Day Graduate Courses

  9. Help coordinate a leadership training seminar on giving & financial matters for churches in your denomination or area

  10. Have a CPA or accountant advise you on your church's financial and accounting procedures

  11. Salary reviews based on outside information/studies

  12. Financial controls and procedures as to how Sunday offerings are handled, counted, and processed

  13. Development of annual budget for operations
  14. Development of "capital" expenditures list with current funding needs/opportunities

* See section 2 for available resource providers for each item listed.  Section 3 for phone & websites.


  1. Debt and budget counseling or referral
  2. Support services or help** for unwed mothers
  3. Support services or help** for single moms
  4. Support services or help** for unemployed
  5. Support services or help** for missionaries
  6. Support services or help** for prisoners/families

**i.e. - Food, clothing, housing, transportation, employment guidance

* See section 2 for available resource providers for each item listed.  Section 3 for phone & websites.


  1. Annual Giving Emphasis/Campaign  www.MAXIMUMgenerosity.org
  2. Missions Giving Emphasis
  3. Renovation Project
  4. Building Expansion Project  www.GenerousLife.info   www.MAXIMUMgenerosity.org
  5. Special campaign to encourage planned giving/wills/trusts  www.kluth.org/houseinorder.htm

* See section 2 for available resource providers for each item listed.  Section 3 for phone & websites.


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For additional resources, visit: www.kluth.org

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Brian Kluth is a national and international speaker and writer on Biblical generosity and financial matters.  He is also a church pastor and the founder of MAXIMUM Generosity, a public ministry dedicated to advancing Biblical generosity through inspirational preaching, leadership training seminars, writing, resources and the media.  Brian’s written materials have been distributed to more than 350,000 Christian leaders in more than 100 countries .For additional materials or to contact Brian, email: bk@kluth.org or visit: www.kluth.org

© www.kluth.org.  Copyright reprint permission for non-commercial purposes can be purchased for $20 to photocopy, fax, email or print this materials for 1-25 people, $50 for distribution to 26-500 people, $75 for 501-999 people, and $100 for distribution to 1000 or more.   To purchase the required reprint permission, go to the products page on this website (www.kluth.org), call 1-888-443-7407, or email: bk@kluth.org    

Section 2 - Where to Turn for Resources for Each "What To Do" Item


01, 02, 03, 04 Christian Financial Ministries, Ronald Blue & Company or denominational resources.

05 Crown Financial Ministries, American Church , Church Growth Institute, Burkett & Kids Ltd.

06 Brian Kluth's "God's Word on Wealth & Generosity - 40 Day Spiritual Adventure", Chapel of the Air 50-Day Spiritual Adventure

07 Saddleback Community Church Conferences (Pastor Rick Warren's Book: "The Purpose Driven Church"), Willow Creek Community Church Good Sense Ministry, Willow Creek Association

08 Check with your denomination, a Christian estate planning lawyer, a Christian ministry that has estate planning services or Ronald Blue & Company.

09 Denominational sources, Christian Financial Concepts, Ronald Blue & Company, Brian Kluth conducts a 2 1/2 hour evening seminar on "God's Secrets for Financial Freedom" for a large church or a group of churches (minimum required: 300).

10 Denominational sources, Ronald Blue & Company, a professional Christian Financial Planner in your area

11 Willow Creek Association, Leadership Network, Zondervan Publishing

12 Christian Financial Concepts, Christian Businessman's Committee. Fellowship of Companies for Christ International also offers CEO's and business owners regional and national conferences and institutes.

13 Christian Financial Concepts LIFE PATHWAYS or Christian employment counselor or human resources person in your area.

14 Christian time management/organizational expert in your church or area.

* See section 3 for phone & websites for these resource providers.


15, 16, 17, 18, 19 Brian Kluth's "Pastors & Church Leaders Resource Guide." Church envelope companies include: American Church, American Mail-Well Envelope, Ark Envelope Company, Concordia Publishing House, Envelope Service, National Church Supply Co.

20 Brian Kluth's "Pastors & Church Leaders Resource Guide", American Church , Capital Dynamics Corp

21 Contact your local investment/brokerage firm and ask to open (usually at no charge) a "charity" account that will allow people to donate shares of stock or other investments.

22 Make a church board decision to allow "flow through" donations through your books to established mission agencies and Christian charities.

23 Check with your denomination, local Community Foundation, or Christian Community Foundation that might be operating in your area.

* See section 3 for phone & websites for these resource providers.


24 Willow Creek Association, Leadership Network, Zondervan Publishing

25 Christian Financial Concepts LIFE PATHWAYS. Purchase CD software to have on-site at your church.

26 Cornerstone Credit Counselors, Christian Financial Concepts, No Debt Living Newsletter & Internet Site

27Ronald Blue & Company (investment and estate planning for high net worth individuals), Ron Blue's Book "Generous Living" by Zondervan, Willow Creek Association, Injoy Ministries, Zondervan Publishing Defining Moments cassette tape by Bill Hybels "Fundraising: Senior Pastor's Final Frontier", Fellowship of Companies for Christ International, Sound Mind Investing Newsletter, Faith Works

* See section 3 for phone & websites for these resource providers.


28, 29 Brian Kluth's Kingdom Seeker's Internet Site & "Pastors & Church Leaders Resource Guide."

30 Willow Creek Church & Association, Zondervan Publishing

31 Brian Kluth's Kingdom Seeker's Internet Site, Brian Kluth's "God's Word on Wealth & Generosity", Brian Kluth's "Pastors & Church Leaders Resource Guide", materials by John Maxwell at Injoy, Larry Burkett's "Word on Finances" Bible Concordance (from Christian Financial Concepts).

32 Brian Kluth's Kingdom Seeker's Internet Site, Christian Stewarship Association's Internet Site

33 Brian Kluth's Kingdom Seeker's Internet Site & "Pastors & Church Leaders Resource Guide," Injoy, Christian Stewardship Association Internet Site

34 Brian Kluth's Kingdom Seeker's Internet Site & "Pastors & Church Leaders Resource Guide."

35 Check with your denominational connections or a fundraising officer from a Christian college or seminary.

* See section 3 for phone & websites for these resource providers.


36, 37, 38 Brian Kluth's Kingdom Seeker's Internet Site & "Pastors & Church Leaders Resource Guide,"

39 Brian Kluth's Video on "Church Stewardship Trends", Brian Kluth's "God's Word on Wealth & Generosity", Brian Kluth's Internet Site & "Pastors & Church Leaders Resource Guide," George Barna's "How to Increase Church Giving" Video & Book (Gospel Light Publishing).

40 Crown Ministries.

41 Brian Kluth's Kingdom Seeker's Internet Site & "Pastors & Church Leaders Resource Guide" (i.e. Newsletter: 10 Guiding Financial Principles).

42 Brian Kluth's video on "Debt Free Capital Campaigns", Brian Kluth's Kingdom Seeker's Internet Site, and Brian Kluth's "Pastors & Church Leaders Resource Guide."

43 Christian Stewardship Association

44 Brian Kluth conducts 1/2 day or 1 day church leadership seminars for groups of pastors and lay leaders. Minimum required: 150 people (can be from your denomination, city or region).

45, 46, 47, 48, 49 Talk with a financial professional or CPA in your church or in your community. Also use resources from your denomination, the National Association of Church Business Administration (Salary Survey: National Church Staff Compensation Survey), Christian Ministry Resources

("The Church Guide to Planning and Budgeting", "Church and Clergy Tax Guide", "The Church Guide to Internal Controls", "Treasurer's Alert" and Church Law & Tax Report), Christian Management Association, Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability, Abingdon Press, Zondervan

* See section 3 for phone & websites for these resource providers.


50 Christian Financial Concepts, Cornerstone Credit Counselors

51 National Right to Life

52 Christian Financial Concepts

53 Christian Financial Concepts Life Pathways

54 Advancing Church Missions Commitment - ACMC

55 Prison Fellowship

* See section 3 for phone & websites for these resource providers.


56 Brian Kluth's Video on "Church Stewardship Trends", Brian Kluth's "God's Word on Wealth & Generosity", Brian Kluth's Internet Site & "Pastors & Church Leaders Resource Guide," George Barna's "How to Increase Church Giving" Video & Book (Gospel Light Publishing), Net Results, Quill Stewardship Program, Resource Services Inc., Stewardship Resource, Virgil W. Hensley, Inc., Ecumenical Center for Stewardship Studies, Southern Baptist Stewardship Department, Abingdon Press - Dimensions for Living, Church Growth Institute

57 Advancing Church Missions Commitment (ACMC), MARC Publications, U.S. Center for World Missions

58,59 Book: "When Not To Build by Ray Bowman" by Baker House Publishing, Brian Kluth's Video on "Debt Free Capital Campaigns". Brian Kluth's Internet Site & "Pastors & Church Leaders Resource Guide," Cargill Associates, Carroll Art/The Tree of Life, Church Growth Services, Financial Foundations Network, In Joy Stewardship Services, Miller Linscott, Nehemiah Ministries, Resource Services Inc., The Gage Group, The Rogers Company, The Timothy Group, TLC Ministries.

60 Denominational resources, Christian estate planning attorneys, Willing Way, Converse & Associates

* See section 3 for phone & websites for these resource providers.

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Section 3: Alphabetical Listing of Resource Providers (phone numbers and websites)

*Abingdon Press (800-251-3320)

*ACMC (Advancing Church Missions Commitment) (770-631-9900)

*American Church (800-446-3035)

*Ark Envelope Company (800-371-1275)

*American Mail-Well Envelope (303-790-8023)

*Barna Research (805-658-8885)

*Brian Kluth (719-930-4000 www.kluth.org)

*Burkett & Kids Ltd. (360-354-0519)

*Capital Dynamics Corp. (800-396-2729)

*Cargill Associates (800-433-2233)

*Carroll Art/The Tree of Life (800-876-4569)

*Chapel of the Air (630-668-7292)

*Christian Businessman's Committee (423-698-4444)

*Christian Financial Concepts (800-722-1976) www.crown.org

*Christian Financial Concepts Life Pathways (800-722-1976) www.crown.org

*Christian Stewardship Association (800-475-1976 #0) www.stewardship.org

*Church Growth Institute (804) 525-0022

*Church Growth Services (800-234-9853)

*Concordia Publishing House (800-325-3040)

*Cornerstone Credit Counselors (925-552-0299) www.cornerstonecredit.com

*Converse & Associates (800-421-5667)

*Crown Ministries (800-722-1976) www.crown.org

*Christian Ministry Resources (704-846-8704)

*Christian Management Association (909-861-8861)

*Ecumenical Center for Stewardship Studies (317-926-3525)

*Envelope Service (800-627-9900)

*Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (703-713-1414) www.ecfa.org

*FaithWorks (800-611-6501) www.faithworks.net

*Fellowship of Companies for Christ International (770-457-9700)

*Financial Foundations Network (714-441-0400)

*Gospel Light Publishing (800-235-3415)

*Injoy (770-239-5100)

*Injoy Stewardship Services (800-333-6509)

*Kingdom Seekers (Brian Kluth 719-930-4000 www.kluth.org)

*Kluth, Brian (719-930-4000 www.kluth.org)

*Leadership Network (800-765-5323) www.leadnet.org

*Life Pathways (800-722-1976) www.cfcministry.org

*MARC Publications (818-303-8811)

*MAXIMUM Generosity by Brian Kluth (719-930-4000 www.kluth.org)

*Miller Linscott (800-233-0561)

*National Association of Church Business Administration (800-898-8085) www.nacbanet.org

*National Right to Life (202-626-8800)

*Net Results (806-762-8094)

*No-Debt Living Newsletter (800-560-3328) www.nodebtnews.com

*Prison Fellowship (703-478-0100)

*Quill Stewardship Program (800-826-2048)

*Resource Services Inc. (800-527-6824)

*RSI (800-527-6824)

*Ronald Blue & Company (404-705-7000)

*Saddleback Community Church Conferences (714-581-5683)

*Sound Mind Investing Newsletter (502-426-7420)

*Southern Baptist Stewardship Department (800-458-2772)

*Stewardship Resource Inc. (800-234-5844)

*The Gage Group (817-685-0385)

*The Rogers Company (800-527-1354)

*The Timothy Group (616-224-4060)

*TLC Ministries, Inc. (800-473-5352)

*U.S. Center for World Missions (818-398-2236)

*Virgil W. Hensley, Inc. (918-664-8520)

*Willing Way (630-221-1111)

*Willow Creek Association (847-765-5000)

*Zondervan Publishing (616-698-6900)

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For additional resources, visit: www.kluth.org

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Brian Kluth is a national and international speaker and writer on Biblical generosity and financial matters.  He is also a church pastor and the founder of MAXIMUM Generosity, a public ministry dedicated to advancing Biblical generosity through inspirational preaching, leadership training seminars, writing, resources and the media.  Brian’s written materials have been distributed to more than 350,000 Christian leaders in more than 100 countries .For additional materials or to contact Brian, email: bk@kluth.org or visit: www.kluth.org

© www.kluth.org.  Copyright reprint permission for non-commercial purposes can be purchased for $20 to photocopy, fax, email or print this materials for 1-25 people, $50 for distribution to 26-500 people, $75 for 501-999 people, and $100 for distribution to 1000 or more.   To purchase the required reprint permission, go to the products page on this website (www.kluth.org), call 1-888-443-7407, or email: bk@kluth.org    


 "MAXIMUM Generosity" -  21st Century Biblical Generosity Resources and Training by Brian Kluth ( www.kluth.org )


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(c) Brian Kluth.  All articles copyrighted.  For permission to reprint Brian's materials for for personal, committee, church or ministry use, click here or call 719-930-4000

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